My Buddy Mike VI – LSU Tiger


by Claire Dorbandt

While every college football fan is willing to argue that their mascot is the best, there is only one school with a live, four hundred and fifty pound Mike the Tiger. The first Mike arrived on Louisiana State University’s beautiful campus in 1934, and the succession of Mike’s has been a continuing tradition ever since.

Currently, LSU is home to Mike VII who is well loved and taken care of. Mike resides in a three million dollar habitat in the heart of campus. His home includes a pool, a waterfall, lush green grass and other recreational activities to keep him active and entertained. Not only does Mike have a top notch living facility, but Mike is also technology savvy and even has his own Instagram. My personal favorite posts on Mike’s Instagram are his pre-game day posts where his caretakers use his lunch to depict the opposing teams mascot. He is quite the predator!

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Mike is a very special part of the tradition and uniqueness of LSU. Every fan likely has his or her own personal relationship and story about Mike. My dad for example arguably has one of the coolest stories about Mike I’ve ever heard. Mike IV was just a cub when my dad attended LSU. A fraternity brother of his was in Veterinarian school and was a caretaker for Mike. Because of this perk, my dad got up close and personal with Mike IV and was able to play with him as a cub. How cool! While many people have awesome Mike stories, that was an opportunity few fans will ever get to experience.

While my dad’s best memories of Mike the Tiger were at the beginning of a new era of Mike’s, my relationship with Mike was a bit different. I was around for the reign of Mike VI. Mike and I became buds my junior year at LSU. I parked on the far side of campus and every morning I would pass by Mike on my way to class. I would always leave my house just a little earlier in hopes that Mike would be outside. Even on days when I was running a bit behind, I never passed up an opportunity to go see Mike if he was outside enjoying the sunshine. There was something about seeing Mike in the morning that always started my day off right.

My favorite memory of Mike was at the end of my junior year when I was about to take my last final. It was an early morning and to my delight, my bud Mike was outside, enjoying life. I was the only one around that morning and Mike was pacing back and forth when I approached his cage. Usually, Mike was in his own world and would pay little attention to his visitors. But not today. As I greeted Mike, he immediately stopped his pacing, came over to the glass and stopped. My friend Mike, a giant, fierce, beautiful tiger was merely two feet away from me. I was shocked, excited, and a bit nostalgic. To my surprise and enjoyment, Mike was in no hurry to leave me. After standing there for what felt like hours, he nodded his head at me, and then he went on his way. Though some may say it was just a coincidence, I know Mike was wishing me good luck on my final, and letting me know that he loved me as much as I loved him – I will never forget that special moment.

While I was blessed with many awesome memories with Mike, unfortunately, sweet Mike VI was diagnosed with spindle cell sarcoma, a cancer that caused a massive tumor behind his eye. LSU loved and cared for Mike and his caretakers saw that he got the best treatment possible. However, despite treatment, Mike’s tumor continued to grow. No one wanted Mike to suffer, and he was humanely euthanized in October of 2016.

While I knew that I personally had a special relationship with Mike, it was at this moment I realized how much Mike truly meant to the LSU family. I visited Mike everyday upon the announcement of his cancer. There were many times when I visited Mike without other visitor’s. But after the announcement of his cancer, everyone wanted to show Mike the love that they had for them and it was almost impossible to find a time when Mike was without company. Everyday people brought tributes to Mike including flowers, ribbons, and sweet notes written by children. When he passed away, the tributes multiplied and stayed around his habitat for many weeks to come. LSU even had a memorial service for Mike VI and displayed a picture of him for an entire week on the screen in Tiger Stadium. Mike IV’s death brought the LSU family together and he was truly loved by all. Mike VI was not just LSU’s mascot; he was my friend, as he was to many others and he will always be loved and remembered.

Currently, LSU is now home to Mike VII who was introduced to LSU on the first day of class in 2017. Though there have been many Mike the Tigers with many different personalities, each one is so special to LSU. From growling at the opposing team on game day, to Mike relaxing in his pool, it warms my heart to think of the special memories that Mike the Tiger will continue make for us crazy and avid LSU fans. Long live Mike and Geaux Tigers!

Claire Dorbandt is a proud and loyal LSU alum who currently attends law school at the University of South Carolina.

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