Porch Talk: January 30, 2018
Porch Talk: January 30, 2018. Here are just a few highlights:
Does Jeremy Pruitt have the makeup to be a head football coach or is he just a great football mind?
The second Signing Period is rapidly approaching. We talk recruiting to kick the show off.
There were a lot of “chumps” this past week, but only two can be crowned as “Chumps of the Week.”
This is the fourth ever podcast done by Front Porch Football. Get in on the discussion and comment with your thoughts and opinions. And share Porch Talk with your friends. There isn’t anything better than talking college football.
Grayson Foster is a 24 year old Nashville based Indie Singer/Songwriter Artist with a passion for timeless music, gripping films, and laughing at himself and his friends.
Be sure to check him out at graysonfoster.com