Faces of the South: Roo Daniels

Name: Roo Daniels
Place You Call Home: Columbia, SC
College Team: Wofford/Georgia
Occupation: Wealth Advisor, Merrill Lynch
From Hammond School to Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC – what was the recruiting process like for you?
It was a pretty crazy experience, when people think of being recruited to play football they think of coaches being all over you. That just isn’t the case a lot of the time, especially when you are an undersized lineman from a small private school. It certainly had its challenges.

You’re from Columbia, SC but you’re a Georgia fan? Who was the most influential person in turning you into a Dawg?
My parents and brothers no doubt. My family is all UGA. My parents are from Georgia, and my mom and brothers went to UGA, so we grew up going to Athens on Saturdays.
Did you have a favorite Gameday tradition when playing for Wofford?
Coming in from pre game warm-ups to the team room. It would be so quiet in there you could hear a pin drop, then Coach Ayers would give his speech, which was always legendary.

Follow up – How about your favorite Gameday tradition today?
I am biased, but when the member of the UGA band plays the first few notes of the “Battle Hymn” at the top of the southwest corner of Sanford will always put a chill down my spine.
Who was your favorite athlete growing up?
Used to be a big baseball guy, got to go Big Papi.

What is your favorite restaurant in Spartanburg?
This is tough being an overweight college kid, but we had a group of guys who did some damage at Papa’s after workouts in the summers. Can never go against Ikes and NuWay though.
What team did you hate the most while playing for Wofford?
For me personally it was Citadel, but if you ask older Wofford football guys they all say Furman. I think it is becoming Furman again given their recent success.

Outside of work and sports what is your favorite thing to do?
I am a real simple guy, just hanging out with friends or running my dog.
If you had to live in an Pixar world what would you choose?
I’m going to throw it back to “A Bug’s Life”
What is your favorite intramural sport?
Softball hands down.
Follow up – who was a better intramural referee/umpire, Chris or Brendan Paschal?
Chris hands down, one time Brendan rang me up looking at strike three that was at my chest. Striking out in softball is not a good look.
If you had a free one-week long trip to any location in the world where are you going?
Thoughts on Wofford Clemson game?
When we played at Clemson a few years back, it was one of the worst days of my life. Had to have been 110 degrees on the field. It was loud. We couldn’t get a first down and Deshaun could have scored 200 points. But this year Terriers by 90.