Faces of the South: Hagood Hemphill

Name: Hagood Hemphill
Place You Call Home: The City of Dreams (Columbia)
College Team: Clemson Tigers
Occupation: Project Manager at REI Automation, Inc.
How long have you been a fan of Clemson?
-I have been a Clemson Fan since 2013
-Truth be told, I grew up in a Gamecock household. However, my twin brother was a Clemson Fan, so I guess it took me a while to catch on.
Favorite place to tailgate?
-The City (town) of Clemson is a big Tailgate for Gamedays so its hard to say. It really is a special place. You hop around to a few different family/friends tailgates all over the place if you can. Obviously, closer the stadium, the better
-Bill Love’s Tailgate is my favorite spot along Avenue of Champions, but there are a lot of great families who put on cool tailgates year in and year out
-Backstreets is the move after the game no question
-The Esso Club is a hit, especially if you have never been to Clemson before/ are a visiting fan.

Favorite Gameday tradition?
-Alma Mater after the game gets me every time. Fans greet players on the field after every game and then players and fans alike sing the alma mater together. It’s better after a win that’s for sure.
-The Most Exciting 25 Seconds in College Football is an easy one: when the Tigers Rub the Rock and run down the hill. But yea there is nothing like a big game, you are in your seat or walking up, and you hear the buses crank up.
-My favorite away game tradition is the Clemson $2 Bill

If you could be one superhero who would it be?
A little cheesy, but my dad. He seems to have nine lives (literally about 4), he always sees the best of things, treats strangers like he would good friends, and works hard, never forgetting the important things in life: people and dogs of course.
Who was the most influential person in turning you into a Clemson fan?
There are a few people over the years who planted seeds. I have two vivid memories, key moments you could say, that I think back to:
(1) My pledge brother and good friend John Fulp
(2) A nameless Carolina fan (random fan we sat next to) who berated my girlfriend. It was classless and unnecessary. That was the final straw for me.

It’s 2:30 AM. You’re sitting in a Waffle House and are staring at their menu. What’re you ordering?
Easy. All-Star special all the way. Raisin Toast, Sausage patties (always). I split my decision on eggs and on grits/hashbrowns. Sometimes I go over easy and sometimes I go scrambled. Typically I do grits, but the hashbrowns are so good so I’ll change it up and do covered and smothered.
Do you have an after-school activity you quit as kid?
I can’t think of anything. I was always told “Hemphill’s aren’t quitters. You committed to xyz for 12 weeks/lessons. You can finish out the rest of the time and not sign up next time.”
What is your favorite smell?
-Sweet smell of Lowcountry SC
-Fresh cut grass on the golf course
-Gasoline (especially from a boat motor)
If you ever owned your own boat what would you name her?
-Hunna Bunna
-Mama Jane
If you could create one holiday, what would you create?
Another tough one. Maybe a holiday in memory of 9/11. However, I would hate to see it turned into a day that is seen as “extra vacation” instead of truly taking time to honor the life lost and sacrifices made by many to keep us safe.