Faces of the South: Catherine Mauldin

Name: Catherine Mauldin
Place You Call Home: Columbia, SC
College Team: Tennessee Volunteers
Occupation: Manager at Anthropologie
How long have you been a fan of Tennessee?
Spiritually, I’ve been a Vol for Life and that’s just the way it is, but technically UT took center stage when I was in high school. It’s worth noting that I live in a USC/UGA house divided and those were my top 2 teams growing up. I was already a fan since I have family in Knoxville, but once I got accepted into UT, I became a fanatic. GBO, am I right?
What made you want to go to Tennessee?
SEC school? Check. Already had orange hair? Check. Felt like ’98? Double check. Knoxville always has been special to me, but wow… being on campus just hit different. “Home sweet home to me,” as the old proverb goes.

What is your favorite Gameday tradition?
UT is all about traditions, so I really had to weigh my options here. On a serious note, sitting in the student section of Neyland and singing Rocky Top after each touchdown is good for the soul and bad for the other team’s sanity. The thundering loud “Woo!” Really shakes you to your core. Honorable mentions include the shenanigans of Fraternity Park and the bottomless mimosas at Uptown.
What was your favorite TV Show growing up, and who was your favorite character?
I have to go with Recess, and this might be a hot take, but King Bob was my favorite character. I’m sure I could relate this to Tennessee being the king of the metaphorical playground that is my heart.

If you were to go on America’s Got Talent what would your talent be?
I think being able to cheer for the Vols through the hardships should be considered a talent and I deserve a million dollars.
If a friend has never been to Knoxville before where would you take them first?
Get in loser, we’re going to Cool Beans.
(Note: there are so many amazing restaurants and venues in Knoxville that are definitely worthy of being a first stop. I just love Cool Beans.)
If you had to be Siamese twins with one person, who would you pick and why?
It’s funny you mention that, because my best friend Ann Taylor and I are actually joined at the hip. But in an alternate world, I would be attached to Butch Jones just so I can be surgically separated. Is this extreme? Perhaps. Is this justified? Definitely.

If you could only listen to one band/artist for the rest of your life who would it be?
Tame Impala, always. Tame Impala has been a constant since high school and I have a lot of good mems associated with them.
What was your favorite Halloween costume you wore as a kid?
If we are talking about scariest costume, I dressed up as a USC cheerleader for a number of years. But the costume I’m proudest of is my Team 121 Trashcan from 2017, which is hard to explain to those who are unfamiliar with the absurdity surrounding that season.

What candy describes you best?
King Sized Kit Kat. I’m tall, so the King size is an important detail. I could make a joke referencing the “break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar” catchphrase, but I’ll refrain. Also the commercials seem to romanticize taking breaks and that’s something I can support.