Faces of the South: Grace Brown

Name: Grace Brown
Place You Call Home: Maryville, TN
College Team: Tennessee Volunteers
Occupation: 2L at University of South Carolina School of Law

How long have you been a fan of Tennessee?
Not to be dramatic, but pretty much since I was knit together in my mother’s womb. Those who know me know that I have explicitly requested that my ashes be spread in Neyland Stadium when I’m gone.

Who was the most influential person in turning you into a Tennessee fan?
Easily my mom, Beth Brown. She went to Tennessee and my dad went to Florida, so every fall Saturday when I was young was a fight to the death of what game day colors to dress me in. After going to my first game against Marshall when I was 5 (when I also had a fever and undiagnosed pneumonia—true fan) and hearing the Pride of the Southland Band play “Rocky Top,” I think Mom and Dad knew where my loyalties would lie.

Do you have a favorite Gameday tradition?
How to pick?! The Vol Walk, going to Calhoun’s on the River in the boat as part of the Vol Navy, singing the “Tennessee Waltz” win or lose (mostly lose these days) post game…. But, if I had to choose just one, nothing in the universe can top when the team runs through the “T” before kickoff. It will never not bring a tear to my eye.
What is the best thing about Knoxville?
Now for this question I really can’t pick just one thing, so I’ll have to go with the trifecta: a fun night with friends that starts at Cool Beans, followed by dancing your face off at Hanna’s VOLume Café, capped off with some cheese fries at Gus’s Good Times Deli. It just doesn’t get better than that, folks.

Did you have a celebrity crush growing up?
Of course I did, and his name was Peyton Williams Manning. I had a signed poster of him that I got in 3rd grade that hung on my bedroom wall for a HOT minute, and Mom, if you’re reading this, I would like an explanation as to its current whereabouts.
If you had to live in any decade what would you choose and why?
The ‘80s, for sure. My Chia Pet hair fits in too perfectly.
Would you rather only be able to read or watch television for the rest of your life?
Definitely read. I love that a movie naturally forms in your head when you’re following a good plot and you can make the characters your own.
How do you feel about the current state of Tennessee football?
……… My first instinct is to decline to comment, especially since it’s Georgia week. However, as a true VFL, I think that this year’s team has extraordinary talent, and that it’s unfortunate that our coaching staff doesn’t reflect that or use them to the best of their abilities.

What is your all-time favorite holiday?
Christmas by far! Only 81 days, y’all!
If you could pick to live in any fictitious world (i.e. Marvel/Hogwarts) what would you pick?
The stress of the second year of law school has me thinking I might like to try my hand in Panem at the Hunger Games, but I also think I could really thrive in GoT’s Westeros. I could stand to learn a thing or two from my girls Sansa and Arya.
Hello!!! 1996 was your birth year and when the Gators won one of their National Titles. Coincidence? I think not. Good job on the article. Congrats on representing UT so well, but at your core you are a Florida girl. Great site! I enjoy getting another perspective of the SEC from FrontPorchFootball.com
Love you,
Like she said,VOL was knitted while she was in the womb.Just getting warmed for the 1998 Championship.